Blog Post

MetaPWR reviews

Diane Brommer • Jun 17, 2023
Live your best life at any age with Doterra MetaPWR

Hello there my friends,

I want to share something with you.

I just got my hands on a REVOLUTIONARY product that could make a POWERFUL CHANGE in your life.

And I consider it MY DUTY TO SHARE this with you, because I want us all TO LIVE OUR BEST LIFE at any age.

So here goes !

Are you over 40 and have you secretly been struggling with:

  • feeling TIRED and UNINSPIRED
  • DULL SKIN, hair and nails
  • poor DIGESTION
  • poor SLEEP
  • unexpected WEIGHT GAIN
  • regular DIET NOT WORKING like before
  • sugar CRAVINGS
  • feel like you CAN'T TRUST YOUR BODY anymore.
  • or are you somehow NOT FEELING AS WELL as you used to, but you DON'T KNOW why or what to do about it

Then continue reading!

"The results are staggering " - Elena Brower

What if there was a MAGICAL product that could fix all this?

What if there was a product that could help you LIVE YOUR MOST POWERFUL LIFE?

What if it you could PUT MORE LIFE in your years?

What if it could SLOW THE SIGNS of biological AGEING?

Would you be interested?

Yes, please !

This could be what you need

A BRAND NEW PRODUCT that is coming out in AUGUST 2023.

It is called MetaPWR and it's designed to HELP YOU BE YOUR BEST AT ANY AGE !

The promise of MetaPWR?

I LOVE THE LIFE I HAVE CREATED for myself and I wouldn't change a thing.

And I'm sure it's the same for you.

And I don't mind growing older, it's part of the game of life and it has many benefits.

But...I'm not a saint.

IT CAN BE HARD when what used to work for us doesn't work anymore.

When all of a sudden we start LOSING SLEEP, we LACK ENERGY, need to WATCH WHAT WE EAT and our SOUL DOESN'T SHINE as BRIGHTLY as before.

And all that for no other reason than that our bodies ARE SIMPLY GETTING OLDER.

As we age, so does oour metabolic function. Our metabolism influences our energy, weight, body composition, and even our cognitive performance.

I want to get the most out of my years.

I want to be able to do the things I've always done with the SAME ENERGY as before.

I want to live my beautiful life and also want to BE AND LOOK MY BEST.

I WANT TO KEEP LIVING MY BEST LIFE - whatever my age number.

And that's what Doterra MetaPWR promises it will help us do.

And I for one am certainly willing to shake-up and CHANGE MY BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE ROUTINES to get that result.

How about you?

What is MetaPWR?

MetaPWR is an easy to use wellness and beauty supplement that gives us everything we need to get our BODY WORKING AT ITS BEST again:

  • living AN ENERGETIC LIFE as we gracefully embrace growing older.
  • the BENEFITS OF COLLAGEN for our hair, skin and nails (yes! collagen !!)
  • RADIANT LOOKS whatever our age
  • BALANCED blood sugar levels (influences mood)
  • happy BODY-IMAGE
  • improved DIGESTION

MetaPWR works like magic !

What do customers say after using MetaPWR?

Here's what customers say after using MetaPWR:

  • more ENERGY
  • More FOCUS
  • SKIN looks and feels better
  • NAILS look better
  • Improved HAIR QUALITY
  • more CONNECTED WITH their BODY
  • feeling more RADIANT
  • improved DIGESTION
  • better SLEEP
  • look and feel BETTER
  • Less highs and lows during the day (less HANGRY moments)
  • more BALANCED

" After just one week my skin felt really soft and my eyes looked so clear "

- Diane -

My Doterra MetaPWR review s

I've been keeping track of my experience with Doterra MEtPWR.

After all it's al about the results !

and the result are in:

Week 1:

I changed my morning routine a little bit. I now start the day with the MetaPWR advantage drink-mix.

It's easy to do, just empty the sachet in a glass, add water, mix it and drink it.

It had an orange - lemony taste.

The first thing I noticed was my skin. It was so soft.

Then I noticed my eyes looked so clear, almost radiant.

My sleep was better, sleeping through the night in stead of waking up a few times.

And there was a feeling of being 'cleansed' from the inside out.

Improved digestion, more regularity in my bathroom stops, less holding it all in.

And more focus in general.

I did keep forgetting to take my MetaPWR assist softgel before dinner.

But the days I did I noticed that I was more aware of  when I was 'full'.

I did take a glass of water with a few drops of the MetaPWR essential oil now and then.

I noticed that would reduce my in between sugar cravings.

Overall: I must say I was a little stunned at the results after already one week.

Week 2:

Drinking MetaPWR is now a habit and I look forward to it, knowing it's doing me so much good.

My main observation for this week have been that I have a lot more energy .

My capacity to concentrate for longer periods at a time has increase significantly

Also my desire for a LOT of coffee in the morning has lessened.

Before I used coffee as a tool to wake me up and kick-start my day.
I still drink coffee in the morning, but now it's more for the taste and because I like having a 'coffee-moment'.

And when I have my coffee I use less sugar, because somehow my taste for sugar has changed.

I experience things as being too sweet more quickly.

Funny how hat works.

I'm still not consistent in taking the MetaPWR assist before dinner.

It's not a habit yet.

Now that things are settling a bit, I find that I'm more in touch with my body's needs.

When I need to drink, when I need to eat, when I have had enough to eat I stop and when I need to take a break I listen.

It's common sense of course but looking back I find that I often overruled my body's needs.

Interesting how that works.

week 3:

to be continued

How to use MetaPWR?

The MetaPWR system has 3 ELEMENTS to it:

1)  META PWR ADVANTAGE (powder packets): These are little POWDER PACKETS that CONTAIN COLLAGEN + NMN. Simply open the packet, MIX IT WITH WATER, give it a SHAKE and DRINK IT and you are READY TO GO. It has an Orang-Lemony taste. Metapwr advantage comes in a carton of 30 powder packets which is enough to last you a month. Each package contain 9 types of COLLAGEN that together are excellent for improving hair, skin, nails, mental clarity and cellular function.

  • MetaPWR Advantage: Wholesale 82,35 € ex VAT (or 78.50 PV) when you order via your personal Doterra account.

2) METAPWR ASSIST (softgels): This comes in A BOTTLE CONTAINING 30 SOFTGELS designed to last you a month. You TAKE ONE SOFTGEL A DAY about 15 to 30 minutes BEFORE YOUR HEAVIEST MEAL of the day. This balances out the highs and lows in the blood sugar level and so prevents unnecessary early signs of ageing.

  • MetaPWR Assist: Wholesale 28,78 € ex VAT, (or 28 PV) when you order via your personal Doterra account.

3) METAPWR ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND (15 ml bottle comes in a 15 ml bottle, gum, beadlets or softgels): MetaPWR oil blend is HELPS US WITH MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WEIGHT by addressing sugar cravings and the build-up of fat cells .  It is also called the metabolic blend. It's an essential oil blend of  Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. It is available in four different delivery methods.

YOU CHOOSE which one of these suits your lifestyle best:

  • MetaPWR essential oils blend 15ml: Wholesale 28,15 € ex VAT (or 32.50 PV) when you order via your Doterra account.
  • Metapwr beadlets: Wholesale 15,55 € ex VAT (or 18 PV) when your order via your Doterra account
  • MetaPWR Metapwr softgels: will be available at a later date.
  • MetaPWR gum: Only available as part of the MetaPWR kit.

It's all straightforward science


Of course I'm not a scientist, just a wellness ambassador, and your messenger.

Want to know about the SCIENCE behind the MetaPWR system?


And download the e-book: 3-step system to metabolic Health

Join me and find out for yourself

Over the next 3 months I will be using MetaPWR myself.

And I'll get back to you with my personal findings.


Doterra recommends using Doterra Metapower program for at least 3 months, so we can really experience the benefits for ourselves.

With some people the effect is immediate.

With others it takes a little longer, that's why the 3 months.

Where to buy Doterra MetaPWR ?

Here's how you can get your hands on MetaPWR:

1. Order via your own Doterra account :

2. If you don't have a Doterra account yet, then open one and place your order.

Don’t have your own Doterra account yet?

I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you on your next steps.

Take care,


I look forward to hearing from you!


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