Blog Post

Managing transformation with DDR-PRIME essential oil blend

Diane Brommer • Jul 09, 2022
Hi friends,

Path of self-discovery
Once you step onto the path of self-discovery, you'll need to GET READY for some changes in your life.
Because one thing's for sure: CHANGE will join you on your path.
It's what you've said YES to.

Enhanced energy
Self-discovery means personal transformation.
It's about GOING WITHIN within and UN-BECOMING everything that isn't really you anymore.
Out with the old, making space for the new.
As you move forward on your path and clean-up old emotional baggage and outdated thought patterns, your energy will start flowing more freely and your life force will become stronger and more intense. 
And your body, being the container of it all, will need to STEP-UP to be able to keep up with the new pace.
To manage this transformation we need to made some lifestyle changes, more balanced living, eating, being.
These adjustments happen naturally over time...

Essential oils for support
But it's good to know that we don't have to do it all on our own. 
As you know I'm a great believer in essential oils.
And there's an oil for (almost) everything.
And we can reach to our oils for support.
In this case you can trust Doterra's DDR-PRIME aka THE RENEWAL BLEND to make your transition easier.

DDR-Prime Renewal blend.
The Essential oils and Emotions book refers to DDR-Prime as THE OIL OF TRANSFORMATION. 
This blend supports the SHEDDING OF OLD and outdated cells and energies and WELCOMES IN THE NEW. 
It's a blend of wonderful oils that can help your body manage the changes that are needed. It keeps the body's cells happy, energised, protected and resilient, renewing the body on a cellular level, whilst going through the demands of all the emotional and energetic changes. DDR-PRIME is short for: DNA Damage Repair. The blend includes Clove, Thyme, and Wild Orange essential oils providing powerful antioxidants that help protect against oxidative stress. DDR-Prime also includes the essential oils Frankincense, Lemongrass, Summer Savory and Niaouli.

I use 2-3 drops in a capsule every day to my great satisfaction. It's has really helped me clean-up and keep up my game.

Everything is delivered right to you doorstep.
Worldwide shipping !
No catch, no strings, just GREAT VALUE ! 

Would you like to try DDR-PRIME or any of the other Doterra products ?
It's easy when you know how.
Let me help you get started with the right products for you.

I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you on your next steps.

Take care 🧡 , 

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